Auckley show leading the way by reducing their single use plastics

Girl at the fancy dress competition.Girl at the fancy dress competition.
Girl at the fancy dress competition.
A summer festival is going to introduce reusable cups for the first time to cut back on their environmental impact.

Kirsty-Jo Muddiman, aged 40, from Auckley wants to reduce the amount that the annual Auckley show generates and is also looking for a sponsor for the event.

Big Summer events traditionally produce heaps of plastic cups, polystyrene food containers and other general waste.

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Tug of war.Tug of war.
Tug of war.

But Kirsty-Jo and the rest of the Auckley event’s organisers plan to stop this by using polycarbonate glasses at the event opposed to plastic.

She said: “I noticed so much waste in the past at this event and wanted to do things differently this year.”

A pint sized cup will be £1 and a wine cup £2.

The event is over two days and the glasses can be reused throughout the weekend.

Family enjoying the show.Family enjoying the show.
Family enjoying the show.

“They can be taken home and used repeatedly, you can get about 500 washes out of the material,” Kirsty-Jo continued.

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Single use plastics are used at many large events due to their cheap price and accessibility but many are not recyclable and end up in landfill.

“Single use plastic is really bad and it’s not fair that people don’t have the choice not to use it,” she said.

Kirsty has a background in the environmental sciences and is currently a Ecotoxicologist.

Her passion for environmental issues started when she was young but has recently intensified.

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“I scuba dive and when you see the plastic waste in the oceans it really hits home what is happening.

People can make such small changes and make a difference.

“If everyone switched from shower gel to a bar of soap we would use so much less plastic,” she said.

The free event takes place on August 17 and will include activities such as jousting, a dog show, children's entertainment, a microbrewery and a produce competition.

The Auckley show is currently looking for local sponsors to help the event run as unfortunately a previous sponsor pulled out.

If you are a local business who would like to help you can email [email protected] who is on the committee.