Plans for 140 homes on former RAF playing fields in Auckley narrowly approved

The area where homes are planned in AuckleyThe area where homes are planned in Auckley
The area where homes are planned in Auckley
Plans for 140 homes on former RAF playing fields in a Doncaster village has been granted.

Peel Land and Property Limited, owners of Doncaster Sheffield Airport, has been given the green light to construct dozens of properties on former sports fields off Hayfield Lane in Auckley.

Councillors were deadlocked both five votes for and against the proposal. Planning committee chair Iris Beech used her casting vote to approve the application. 

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The controversial plan received a number of objections and Finningley councillors Steve Cox and Richard Allan Jones spoke at the meeting in February against the plan.

Both again raised issues with Peel’s previous failures to deliver Section 106 agreements on other developments.

Denise Bailey, on behalf of Peel, said construction on a planned FA standard all-weather pitch with adjoining playground will start at the end of March. 

The application received 12 formal objections. 

The site and adjoining land to the south were originally used for sports and recreation during the period of time when the RAF Finningley occupied the settlement, and were to be retained for similar use within the original planning permission for the use when Doncaster Sheffield Airport became operational.

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In exchange for approval, Peel must provide at 37 properties deemed ‘affordable housing’, money for a ‘transport bond’ to mitigate any increase in traffic and cash to provide places at Hayfield School. 

Denise Bailey, on behalf of Peel, said: “Development is already ready for this site as it was designated for business with an access road already there. 

“There is an element of anti-social behaviour as well as fly-tipping and the land has been underused since the 1990s and this development will bring the site back into productive use.” 

Planning officer Mark Sewell, said: “The scheme will provide the required contributions to affordable housing, education and transportation.”